Catfish Filter Instagram | this is an explanation of how to get The lil icy eyes Instagram

Catfish Filter on Instagram - Hello, we will discuss a viral filter on Instagram, the Catfish Filter Instagram, the filter is called The lil icy eyes Instagram from @paigepiskina.

Catfish Filter Instagram |  this is an explanation of how to get The lil icy eyes Instagram

The lil icy eyes Instagram filter has different effects on the eyes, the instagram catfish filter is the most sought after filter because it's still new so many are curious to try it.

How to get catfish filters on Instagram

  • Login your Instagram account
  • Tap search, search for the name of the creator of The lil icy eyes Filter Instagram @ paigepiskina
  • Tap the emoji picture
  • Tap The lil icy eyes Filter
  • Tap save to save on camera
  • Tap your Instagram story
  • Slide the Lil eye eyes filter to the middle
  • Point the camera at your face
  • Tap the middle, Filter will show the results
  • Tap share to your story
  • Done

It seems like an explanation of How to get catfish filter on Instagram.  Thank you

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